BLT new name contest

During “Jesus Christ Superstar” BLT will be holding a contest to look for a new name for Burien Little Theatre.  The first person to suggest a name that is accepted by the Board of Directors will win two pair of season tickets to BLT’s 2013-14 season.  That’s a $120 value.

While there has been no decision to change BLT’s 33 year old name, the possibility is under active discussion.  Before a decision to change BLT’s name can occur the Board must have a new name to consider.  Here is your chance.

There is bias to keep the initials BLT but nothing is cast in stone.

Right now many think that the “little” in Burien Little Theatre indicates BLT does community theater, in the negative context of that art form, or that BLT does children’s theater.  BLT even had an actor tell BLT she had never auditioned for BLT because she thought it was a children’s theater based upon the name.  Most recently I heard people think BLT is part of the school district or even part of Burien Parks Recreation and Cultural Services.  None of that is true.

BLT is doing some of the most exciting theater in Western Washington.  One of BLT’s designers, who designs throughout the Northwest, recently said that BLT is one of only two theaters who consistently does high quality work that he can recommend without hesitation.  BLT came in 10th in the 2012 King 5’s Best of Western Washington Theater Groups, right after the Seattle Repertory Theatre for good reasons.

It would be nice if BLT had a name to reflect what is happening on the stage.

There will be forms to suggest a new name for BLT at each performance of the all female “Jesus Christ Superstar.”  Or you can leave a suggestion as a comment to this post.  Or you can email your suggestion to [email protected].  (No purchase is necessary.)

Remember BLT kept its current name for 33 years, so your suggestion, if accepted by the Board, could have a long life.

Don’t miss the opening weekend deals for “Jesus Christ Superstar,” February 15-17, Valentines’ Day weekend.  Can’t make opening weekend?  “Jesus Christ Superstar” runs Friday and Saturday at 8 pm and Sunday at 2 pm through March 24.